HSC Ancient History Minoan Crete notes

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A condensed summary of notes for Bronze Age - Minoan Crete with relevant evidence to each syllabus points and contemporary issues. Minoan Crete is a niche case study for Ancient Societies, but hopefully these notes can be of help to you and your HSC exam!

The layout for this exam includes a detailed explanation for each syllabus (HOW + WHY) with an abundance of primary evidence as well as historians' quotes to support your arguments :D

These notes are based on the Ancient History Stage 6 Syllabus (2017): SURVEY The historical and geographical context, including:

  • geographical setting, natural features and resources of Minoan Crete
  • significant sites

FOCUS OF STUDY Social structure and political organisation, including:

  • issues relating to gender and identity of the ruler(s)
  • palace elite
  • roles and status of women
  • craftsmen and agricultural workers

The economy, including:

  • palace economy
  • importance of agriculture
  • role of towns: Gournia and Zakros
  • trade and economic exchange
  • the concept of thalassocracy
  • occupations, crafts and industry
  • technology

Religion, death and burial, including:

  • nature and identity of deities
  • religious symbols
  • religious places
  • rituals
  • funerary customs and rituals
  • tombs
  • myths and legends relating to the Minoans

Cultural and everyday life, including:

  • art
  • architecture of palace complexes
  • writing
  • health of Bronze Age Minoans as revealed by human remains
Added November 2021