IB Psychology 2018-2019 notes: Human Relationships Topic 3 (Paper Two)

By Adele
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24 pages

IB Psych SL & HL notes for Human Relationships III: Social Responsibility. Includes all notes on each subtopic under the syllabus for the Social Responsibility topic. (1) Bystanderism; (2) Prosocial behaviour; (3) Promoting prosocial behaviour. 24 pages of notes including all relevant study breakdowns & through descriptions, extensive content for each subtopic, all relevant theories/models, and additional information. Each study includes an extensive critical thinking / evaluation, and each subtopic has extensive holistic critical thinking included, including real life applications, strengths & limitations, assumptions & biases, alternative explanations, etc. I achieved a level 7 in HL Psychology for the November 2019 exams.

Added September 2021