(Core 1) HSC PDHPE Notes - Health Priorities in Australia

By Katie · In 2020
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32 pages
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These notes contain detailed definitions, summaries, case studies, examples and explanations that cover all content for Core 1 for HSC PDHPE. The notes also contain supportive images, flow charts and diagrams to facilitate learning via visual summaries. These notes can be used as a comprehensive reference for assessments, trial exams and the HSC exam. The notes have been compiled from class notes, tutorials, textbooks and further research. Thoroughly reading through these notes will provide extensive knowledge on the entire course and give broad context to all of the required topic areas.


  1. How are priority issues or Australia's health identified?
  2. What are the priority issues for improving Australia's health?
  3. What role do health care facilities and services play in achieving better health for all Australians?
  4. What actions are needed to address Australia’s health priorities?
Added January 2022