Business management notes (check description of what is summarised)
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15 pages
- The importance of leadership in change management
- management strategies to respond to key performance indicators, including staff training, staff motivation, change in management styles or management skills, increased investment in technology, improving quality in production, cost cutting, initiating lean production techniques and redeployment of resources (natural, labour and capital)
- Management strategies to seek new business opportunities both domestically and globally.
- An overview of the principles of the learning organisation (senge)
- low-risk strategies to overcome employee resistance, including communication, empowerment, support and incentives
- high-risk strategies to overcome employee resistance, including manipulation and threat
- key principles of the Three Step Change Model (Lewin)
- the effect of change on stakeholders, including managers, employees, customers, suppliers and the general community
- corporate social responsibility considerations when implementing change
- the importance of reviewing key performance indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of business transformation
Added February 2023
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Business management notes (check description of what is summarised)
Business Studies
Business management notes (check description to know what is included)
Business Studies
Business management notes ( check description to see what it includes)