Band 6 - Module A paragraph notes (Plath & Hughes)

By Laurel · In 2021
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Plath and Hughes Module A syllabus notes. Some paragraphs were written under the following headings:

  • duplicity (oppressor v oppressed)
  • daddy/the shot
  • fever/fever 103 - competing perspectives
  • red/birthday present (self-autonomy v consequences | death v vitality | competing perspectives)
  • fever - competing perspectives
  • red/lady lazarus
  • nick and the candlestick
  • hughes - full-bright scolars
  • theme of guilt - a picture of otto
  • bee god analysis
  • syllabus dot point plans (authority, competing perspectives, resonances and dissonances, subjectivity of truth, appropriation, reframing)
Added August 2022