Computer Science

By Bryan · In 2021
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A whole course exam notes summary for comp sci atar year 12

Systems analysis and development Knowledge • types of system development methodologies ▪ linear – waterfall/cascade ▪ iterative – rapid application development (RAD) ▪ advantages and disadvantages of linear and iterative system development methodologies • stages of the system development life cycle (SDLC) ▪ preliminary analysis o problem definition o feasibility study ▪ analysis o model of current system o requirements of new system ▪ design o logical and physical design ▪ development o hardware and software acquisition o construction and testing ▪ implementation o change-over methods, including: direct cut, phased, pilot and parallel 11 Computer Science | ATAR | Year 12 syllabus ▪ evaluation and maintenance o performance evaluation o fault finding and correction • data gathering techniques used in the SDLC, including: observation, questionnaire, interview, sample forms, and sampling volume of work processed by system • project management computer aided software engineering (CASE) tools ▪ Gantt charts ▪ program evaluation review technique (PERT) charts • systems development documentation as a part of the SDLC ▪ context diagrams using Yourdon/DeMarco notation ▪ data flow diagrams using Yourdon/DeMarco notation ▪ system manuals ▪ user manuals

Added November 2022