Section B - Comparative - The Queen and Ransom - Primary focus on The Queen

By NCA · From Suzanne Cory High School · In 2021
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33 pages
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Achieved a 48 study score in VCE English and wanted to sell my section B notes. These notes are focused primarily on The Queen. With analysis of every scene in the film with time stamps for each note and cinematic technique. With each cinematic technique used in the film linked to the emotions and themes of the characters.

-Contains a table with symbols from both texts -Historical context of both texts and how these contexts overlap. -Contains extensive quotes , analysis and film techniques for The Queen

Using these notes I achieved a 40/40 in the SAC and 9.5/10 in Section B of the end of year VCAA exam

33 pages with 13691 words worth of notes complied throughout the year.

Added July 2022